VibraImage system hardware
It is possible to use standard video system for vibraimage registration,
like web cam or digital camera, or analogue camera with digitizer. The
camera resolution 640x480 is OK for vibraimaging and
vibraimage quality highly depends on camera noise. The best results
were achieved with simple and cheap web cam with 1/3" image CMOS sensor
like AVerCam or Genius Eye 311Q, Genius Look 1320, Genius Look 320S, Genius i-Look 1321.
It is possible to use Microsoft LifeCam Products VX-5000, VX-5500, VX-6000.
Basic specifications of video cameras for vibraimaging are:
resolution, elements: 640x480;
frequency, frame/sec, no less than: 15,0;
dynamic range, dB, no less than: 80;
object working illumination, lx, no less than: 100;
objective angle, deg: 10-30;
distance to object, m: 0,5-3;
distance to computer, m, no more than: 5;
digital signal interface: USB 1.0, 2.0;
power voltage (USB), V: 5.